Video: Ander Herrera on Wanting Supporters Back in the Stadium and Being a Mentor for the Young Players on the Squad

In an interview with the PSGTV, Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Ander Herrera discussed how he feels sad about the absence of fans’, so he mentions that he would like to have spectators, especially in the Parc des Princes.

“For me, one does not go without the other. I don’t know how long ago, but football was made by fans. Without the supporters, football loses its meaning,” Herrera said. “It’s my opinion. When I was young, I used to go to the stadium of my club, Real Zaragoza. I dreamed of playing in front of 40-45,000 supporters behind me.”

Despite Herrera’s eagerness to have supporters in the stadium, it seems as though he will have to wait as the capital club is reportedly considering playing their upcoming home fixtures behind closed doors

The interview then transitioned to Herrera being a veteran on the squad and helping the squad’s younger players. Furthermore, the 31-year-old revealed that he would like to be a manager down the road. 

“We have great talents. And you can see from day one with us and after 5-6 months they are completely different players. That’s why I love football. I love this part of football. In the future, I am not sure that I will continue to work with professionals because it is very demanding and stressful,” Herrera said. “One of my options is to work with the children, to ensure the development of young players because I think it is very pleasant to see them progress.”

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