Thomas Meunier

Former PSG Right-Back Admits to Having Signed Contract With Dortmund Back in February

Thomas Meunier continues to leave his chapter with Paris Saint-Germain open. Last month, the 28-year-old blamed the capital club sporting director Leonardo for his departure. 

However, in his latest comments over his departure, Meunier made some comments that conflict with his criticism of Leonardo, who never reached out to the Belgium international. 

Perhaps the Brazilian never reached out to Meunier was because he had already signed a contract with Borussia Dortmund. Furthermore, the former PSG right-back admitted in an interview with Sport 1 that he signed an agreement with the German club in February. 

Meunier also states that his contract with Dortmund was signed well before Les Parisiens took on his new club in the UEFA Champions League Round of 16. 

There’s a lot of inconsistency when Meunier discusses the reason as to why he left. With a signed contract, perhaps the 28-year-old was looking for a way not to look as though he was abandoning his former teammates.

Nonetheless, the truth has come out, and hopefully, Meunier will close his chapter with PSG. 

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Tags Borussia Dortmund Thomas Meunier

1 Comment

  1. You’ve woefully misstated the facts here, I believe. Meunier expressed his frustration that Leonardo didn’t contact him about a contract for the Champions League—the same situation Cavani, Silva, and Kurzawa were in. Specifically, Meunier didn’t say Leonardo should have tried to keep him for the Champions League, he said Leonardo should have tried to loan him from Dortmund for the month of August, which would have been legal and above board, as far as I can tell. If Meunier signed a contract in February, I think that makes him less culpable, if anything, since at that point he had no way of knowing that there would be a Champions League delay! It certainly doesn’t make him a villain for wanting to play out a CL campaign that he thought would he would have the chance to finish, nor should he be villainized for wanting to leave PSG to get consistent starting minutes at a different club. Come on now.

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