Former French Midfielder Johan Micoud Says Neymar is the ‘Best Player in the World Today’

Former French international Johan Micoud thinks very highly of Paris Saint-Germain forward Neymar, as he called him the top talent in the sport today.

As of late, Neymar has received plenty of support from former players and former managers because of his world-class play so far in the UEFA Champions League knockout stage. He was the main playmaking catalyst in PSG’s quarterfinal tie against Atalanta, and he then went on to orchestrate a strong showing against RB Leipzig in the semis. Micoud has appreciated Neymar’s play as of late, and in an interview with the French-based publication Liberation, he noted that watching the Brazilian forward play is what he has liked most about the tournament.

“Neymar, the best player in the world today,” Micoud said. “He has refined his game. Everything is vertical, everything is done to hurt the opponent.”

Micoud also applauded PSG for reaching the Champions League final. Even with its grand financial advantage over multiple other teams in the tournament, Micoud still lauds the club because of just how it has fared with the increase in keen competition in recent years.

“We can also say that the Paris-SG has been around for seven or eight years, that it is armed for this level and that it is finally there: the particular circumstances do not take nothing away from [it],” Micoud said. “High-level sport is adapting to circumstances: the Parisians have done it better than the others, well done to them.”

A Champions League final win for PSG would give it a historic quadruple-winning season.

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