Tanguy Kouassi

Former French Football Manager Critical of France’s Youth Contract Policy

Ever since Tanguy Kouassi decided that he wasn’t going to sign a professional contract with Paris Saint-Germain, many in the French football media are critical of the teenager’s reported decision to head to FC Bayern Munich.

Former French football manager Rolland Courbis didn’t only lay into the 18-year-old’s decision, but the system that allows for young players like Kouassi to leave so early. For those who don’t know in France, youth players cannot sign a contract for more than three years.

As a result, many players are due for contracts at a constant rate, and if there’s no playing time for the player along with other commitments, then they’ll look elsewhere to sign a professional contract.

This system caused Courbis to lose his cool when he took the microphone with RMC Sport (via ParisFans).

“Tanguy Kouassi, while being free, was in the category of players that PSG wanted to keep. And you could think that it was almost done after what we had heard and read. When you have the financial possibilities of PSG and a versatile and interesting player, you could think that he prefers this proposal. It is unfortunate,” Courbis said.

“This demonstrates to me what is a catastrophic injustice for training clubs when France needs it. See that the rules do not allow you to keep this player there for at least the first three years and that he leaves for three figs. Frankly, I don’t care.”

After stating his displeasure with the current youth system in terms of contracts, Courbis made it clear that he’s angry over Kouassi leaving Paris.

“Maybe on the side of PSG and Kouassi, there is a sporting problem because even if there is the departure of Thiago Silva, that does not guarantee you to play with this squad,” Courbis said. “The club where he is going to sign has certainly offered him a great contract and a starting spot. But this departure from Kouassi, it pisses me off.”

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