Leaked Photos Show PSG-Branded Face Masks That Will Help Limit the Spread of Coronavirus

If you’re listening to medical experts regarding the coronavirus, you should be wearing a cloth face mask when in public settings.

According to Twitter user @lasource75006, Paris Saint-Germain will help with this recommendation by announcing on Friday a pack of two face coverings that will cost €15. One mask will be in the Daniel Hechter design and the other will have “ICI C’EST PARIS” on it.

It’s unknown whether or not proceeds from the masks will go towards those on the front lines battling the coronavirus but given PSG’s previous efforts with their custom kit recently, you have to imagine that’s their plan.

The Hechter face mask design will match the rumored 2020-21 home kit, which is expected to be a return to the classic design for PSG’s 50th anniversary.

France has begun to slowly reopen so I would expect these masks to be sold out quickly once they’re made available online tomorrow and in-store next week as citizens start to move about the city.

UPDATE: You can pre-order the mask on the club’s official website by clicking this link.

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