Angel Di Maria

Video: The Unique Way Di Maria and Paredes Practiced Social Distancing While Under Quarantine

With countries around the world in self-quarantine mode due to the coronavirus pandemic, boredom is starting to hit home for those who have spent a week or longer in isolation.

However, despite the seriousness of the issue, a couple of Paris Saint-Germain players provided some comic relief on social media to lift everyone’s spirits.

PSG forward Angel Di Maria posted an Instagram Story about going stir crazy and then followed it up with what would best be described as a public service announcement for social distancing starting teammate Leandro Paredes.

The entire conversation is in Spanish, so for those who don’t understand, Paredes responded to Di Maria’s initial Instagram video with one of his own by shouting “Yo tambien Fideo” to an empty street, which essentially means that he too is going crazy after a week of quarantine. Then the two continued their conversation.

After Parades’ response, Di Maria offered his fellow compatriot a mate drink, one that midfielder graciously accepts after responding to his post.

With both players “next” to each other on their balcony, Di Maria says that he can no longer take being inside anymore. However, he understands the severity of the situation and hopes that everyone follows health officials’ request to stay in their homes.

Di Maria adds that if everyone remains inside, the self-quarantine can end quickly as doctors, nurses, and scientists attempt to contain the spread of the virus. Paredes echos Di Maria’s sentiments saying that the virus will pass if everyone remains inside and that although they’re going crazy inside, its what’s best for everyone.

If the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ever needs some actors for a PSA video, perhaps they can consider hiring Paredes and Di Maria.

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Tags Angel Di Maria coronavirus Leandro Paredes
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