
Media Outlet Accidentally Refers to PSG as ‘QSG’

Paris Saint-Germain is one of those clubs that people love to hate.

Those who despite the club often hurl insults like “farmers league” to take away from PSG’s accomplishments in France or simply point to their failures in the UEFA Champions League as the ultimate putdown.

Often, PSG haters will point out the fact that the club is financed by Qatar Sports Investments, which is essentially a state-controlled fund, meaning PSG is ultimately funded by the country of Qatar.

Since taking over PSG in 2011, as reported by The Guardian, QSI has transformed PSG from a team with some success in Ligue 1 to a team that completely dominates the league and is a threat to win the Champions League every season.

I say all of this to explain why a major publication would refer to PSG as “QSG,” or “Qatar Saint-Germain.”

L’Equipe is a popular French publication with a history of not covering PSG fairly and accurately in the past. The club even had to ban them from the training facility at one point, which you can read about on our site here.

The latest incident involving L’Equipe, where they published “QSG” when referring to Paris Saint-Germain, was not simply a typo or something that wasn’t intended. Whoever wrote those three letters knew exactly what they were doing.

The brief apology from L’Equipe stated that the person who wrote the text was “external to the teams of L’Equipe‘ and that it “had not been edited or validated internally” before publishing. Here is the text in question:

First of all, why is someone outside of your organization allowed to write anything on your site and hit publish without anyone knowing? Second of all, no one believes you.

This is an egregious error by a major outlet and if I were PSG, I would seriously consider not allowing them preferred access to cover the team as they have proven to have an agenda against the reigning French champions.

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